In Part 1 of this blog post we explored the commonly held thoughts regarding watching pornography, and the question regarding consensual vs non-consensual pornography. Continuing with this discussion, we ask
When I watched pornograpghy, it didn’t cross my mind that the performers were possibly not consenting to do this. In my naivety I assumed they were willing participants. Knowing what I know now fuels my desire to raise awareness of just what goes on behind the scenes.
It is often impossible to tell the difference between consensual and non consensual. A general rule of thumb is “professional porn” – the more mainstream stuff with professional performers – is probably consensual…but there are gray areas there also. As stated earlier, the vast majority of porn is amateur. The more violent and “out there” that the activity is, the more likely it is that you are watching rape – ie: non consensual sexual activity, or co-erced – especially as you get into the more depraved content.
And as a rule … BARELY LEGAL = NOT LEGAL. That is child pornograpghy.
This may not bother you at all – “my mind, my choice; it’s not doing me any harm and it’s meeting my needs.”
OK, so you are willing to watch someone’s daughter, sister, brother, son get raped? If you saw that on the street, or walked into a room and that was happening, would you stand by and do nothing? For me, and others I have spoken to about this issue, the answer is almost always “OF COURSE NOT!”
Yet we watch porn.
So we are complicit in the rape of others!
WE are complicit in a crime!
What are some other connections then between pornography and sex trafficking? Research indicates that the customers of sexual/adult services are almost universally addicted to pornography. Things that they cannot get their partners to do, they will seek out by using a prostitute.
It is also a fact that victims of sex trafficking are made to watch pornography in order to desensitze them to certain acts, especially true in the case of minor aged victims. Ironic that victims are “educating” victims. I’ve spoken to former prostitutes who have testified to this truth. They were exposed to a constant barrage of pornographic content which they admit did have an effect on their mindsets during their time in the life.
Pimps and traffickers also often have severe addiction issues that they satisfy not only through watching porn but participating in making and distributing pornographic content. I have read accounts written by pimps that describe some sickening things they watched which they in turn then demanded of their victims.
So with this information we can connect the dots and establish the relationship between porn and sex trafficking in several ways
- People are addicted to pornography
- There is a small number of willing participants in the porn industry but a vastly greater number of unwilling participants creating content
- Users of sexual services almost always have severe pornography addiction
- Providers of prostitutes also have those addictions
- Victims of sex trafficking are often used to create content to fuel the demand.
- That content is used for all sorts of reasons by traffickers – shame performers into compliance, bribe them, desensitize them. On the flip side it is also another way to make money and keep them in business.
Conclusion? There is an undeniable link between pornography and sex trafficking. By consuming porn, users – often ignorantly – are compliant in keeping sex trafficking growing as a global industry. Just like a legitimate business, it follows simple supply and demand economic principles.
There is FACTUALLY a big connection between pornography and Human Trafficking and we need to educate people about that. If one person gets the concept that pornography is NOT HARMLESS, then we can start that conversation and begin to turn the tide for demand, and therefore supply, of porn. Simply put – and maybe a little simplistically thinking – if it no longer makes money then people may not feel the need to make content.
I also want to help people break free from this addiction which will help them personally in more ways than they may realize. This is a HUGE goal, but one person can make a difference.
While I am not trying to make you feel guilty, or shame you in any way, it is the truth that really turned the tide for me in overcoming my addiction. (Again, that is a story for another day).
My goal however is to make you think about what pornography really is.
Appeal to your human sense of decency.
If I can break free from this addiction, I KNOW YOU CAN TOO!
We at One In A Million are working on a video about the connection between pornography and sex trafficking and will explore this conversation further through that medium. In the meantime, if you have any comments or want more information regarding this issue, I encourage you to check out two great nonprofit websites and . These organizations will provide you not only with more facts about pornography and it’s effects on you and your relationships, but they’re equipped with practical resources to help you with any addiction issues and struggles you may be facing.
You can also connect with us, and if there is anything we can do to help you, let us know. In addition to our website: , you can follow us on Facebook – One In A Million Inc. and Instagram @1IAMGLOBAL. We also have a YouTube channel – One In A Million Global Inc. – where we post educational videos surrounding issues relating to human trafficking.
Your Part In The Problem (Part 1)
Pornography and the connection to Human Trafficking
Richard Elkin – June 2022